Tuesday, 12 December 2006

The Annual Work Christmas Party and My Fears for Drunkeness

Work Christmas Parties.

You’ve got to love them really. Mine is on Friday. It will be my first party with this company as I joined in September. I’m looking forward to it, even if some of the more cynical amongst my colleagues are not. All the “youngsters” are though! It’s free drink, a free afternoon off work, and an extremely fine opportunity to get to know the people I spend everyday with a lot better!

From what I hear, it promises to be a really drunken affair. Nothing new there then. What else do you expect from a party with limitless supplies of free alcohol?

The slightly bad thing is, I have my boyfriend’s work Christmas party to go to the evening before my one (which is a daytime turning into an evening bash, so it’s an early drinking start)

So, I am going to TRY not to drink too much at the BF’s party (as if) so that I can still raise my weary head at 6am to get the train to work to go to another party.

I can just tell this is going to be a disaster.

I tend to drink quite a lot when I’m in a slightly awkward situation. I think the BF Christmas Party just might count as one of these situations. Standing around with a group of people I don’t know, who don’t know me, and making random conversations all night long.

And then, once I have decided to leave my own Christmas party (which I can tell is not going to be until late – I never am good at leaving a party early), I can battle with the trains home again. Whilst drunk. Perhaps I’d better make sure that I don’t go home steaming drunk during rush hour. I’m also fearful of some kind of incident on the train. Such as being sick. At least there are loos.

I had a friend who was once just sick in her lap on a packed train of commuters from London. She then had to sit there with everyone screwing up their noses in distaste at her foul behaviour. I really would rather not do that. I have already thrown up in the car this month. Not a good thing to do. Especially not if you put your head out of the window but forget to look backwards… if you understand me.

Anyone would think I didn’t want a Christmas party ?! I dooo !!! Just not two in a row !!! I’m not hardcore !!!


Anonymous said...

Suggest (wise head) one equal volume of water with drink- amazingly it works, reducing dehyration (main cause of hangover) and keeping you fresh. remember 2 pints before bed and 2 paracetomol.

There. You have fun!

une anglaise, aka 'Jim' said...

I'm sure you will have an amazing time anyway!

sounds like it will be better than my christmas party, the firm i work for in the summer has organised a 'medieval banquet', with dressing up required....

my drinking tip is a good walk before you have to get in any transport!

Anonymous said...

Turning up for the BF's CHrimstas doo drunk would be genius. Hopefully he would see the funny side of it, and try and play catch up.

We have two work do's. One for our floor and one for our department. Im avoiding the floor one, despite free drink vouchers, as I will be back home getting early Christmas presetns off my mum and nan. Cant wait yessssssssss

Jason English said...

Thanks for commuting over to say hello. You've got some great stories here. Very worthy of a coveted spot in my blogroll.

I had a tough ride home after last year's Christmas party:


Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Did you survive?

Your loyal fans want to know..

Girl on A Train said...

The madness begins tonight !!!
Right, I'm going to try and follow some of the tips here.
Can't imagine how on earth I'm going to get up tomorrow morning at 6am!