You have an interesting blog. You should also put this into the sidebar instead of an entry. On beta, you can just add it to an html/java element. On Classic Blogger, you just slip it into the sidebar code near the bottom.
Good luck! And thanks for your comment on The View from Here. :)
Hey there. My blog web address denotes that I am a Grim Commuter. Actually, I'm just a commuter. I'm not grim hopefully.
Commuting isn't all that happens in my life. But, apart from sleeping and working, it is probably third on the list of 'things I spend most of my life doing'
Other things would include reading, eating, watching tv, spending time in the public house of my choice, playing badminton, playing my favourite musical instrument, amongst other things.
I'm new to blogging. Please leave a comment on anything that strikes you from reading my little blog outputs. Randomness welcomed. It might encourage me!
You have an interesting blog. You should also put this into the sidebar instead of an entry. On beta, you can just add it to an html/java element. On Classic Blogger, you just slip it into the sidebar code near the bottom.
Good luck! And thanks for your comment on The View from Here. :)
Thanks for the first comment!
I have taken up your tip and placed it on the left..
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